Celebrate Recovery

Christ has set us free to live a free life. 

So take your stand!

~ Galatians 5:1 For more information, please email celebraterecovery@peacetowerchurch.ca or call 613.729.6343

Celebrate Recovery, a Christ-Centered recovery program is now running at Peace Tower Church. The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to celebrate God’s healing power in our lives as we share our experiences and discover together our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power– Jesus Christ. By following the 12-Steps and 8 Recovery Principles, we grow spiritually and receive God’s grace in solving our lives problems. As we progress, we find freedom that results in peace, serenity, joy and a stronger relationship with God– freedom that allows us to share our strengths and hopes with others.


Celebrate Recovery Testimonies

See how Celebrate Recovery has empowered lives!

  • Alain

    Hi, my name is Alain and I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I have been attending Celebrate Recovery (CR) here at Peace Tower Church (PTC) for the past 2 ½ years. I am so grateful that PTC and the pastoral staff believed in and implemented this wonderful recovery program.

    CR has allowed me to move past my hurts, habits, and hang ups that hindered me from being the man that God wanted me to be. I have been able to put many personal issues at rest that I was not able to overcome on my own. God has used CR to give me the strength and courage I needed. I still have work to do, but now I am filled with hope that my future looks so much brighter than ever.

    I am currently working on Matthew 10:8 which says “freely you have received, freely give”. I invite you to attend CR and let God help you become the person he made you to be.

  • Mwali

    CR is a place where I found fellowship, community, and acceptance amongst the people of God. We all share openly and honestly, as little or as much as we like, but quickly, we become known. And yet, we are not rejected, just as our Father in heaven would have it. This was one of the best deliverances in my journey of healing and forgiveness. 

    Despite my own sins, my guilt and shame, for things that were done to me, and for things that I struggle with myself, I am learning to see myself as the Lord sees me, continually striving to abide to his standards, using scripture and Christ-centred teaching. Whether you are a young adult, or a seasoned Christian, whether you haven’t been to church in a while, or if you are a seasoned believer, CR is for anyone who wants to overcome life’s challenges, and who is willing to do the work to walk that path with Jesus Christ.

  • Theresa

    Before starting Celebrate Recovery, I was carrying unforgiveness and blame towards my former spouse. Through the teachings of Celebrate Recovery and with God's help I was able to take responsibility for my own sins and shortcomings. I no longer harbor any resentments, but I am able to offer grace and forgiveness. God has set my heart free!

    Mark 11:25 “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

    Praise God!!

  • Gail

    I came to CR with an AA background where, although I was able to give up my addiction to alcohol using the 12 Step program, I was feeling the need to grow in my relationship with God. When I came across the CR program it was like an "aha" moment, here was a program that incorporated the 12 steps with a biblical perspective, a place where I could actually call my "higher power" the one who holds all power,  my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

    My relationship with the Lord has been strengthened by working the Steps/ biblical principles, learning to see the truth about myself and surrendering all of my shortcomings to his care.  Praise be to God!

  • Catherine

    Celebrate Recovery has taught me that I need to have humility, first of all. Without humility and repentance I was unable to understand why my life, my emotions, and my mind were in turmoil. I had to admit that I couldn't do Life all on my own. I needed Jesus to take the wheel. 

    Once I could admit that I have hurts, habits, and hang-ups and came to realise what they were, I was more able to see where my character defects have kept me in bondage. 

    At Celebrate Recovery my eyes were opened to behaviours and attitudes that were ungodly and I needed to give them over to God for healing. To be a part of a share group where I can unmask my deep issues without being attacked has been a very freeing experience. I've come to realise that we all have damaging issues that haunt us and Celebrate Recovery is the place to find freedom!

  • Nathalie

    Actively working the CR program not only has brought me closer to God, it has allowed me to refine my shortcomings and recognise my gifts. I've gained a family that is so supportive and insightful that I can no longer be the "old me".  

    What I can tell new comers is that if you're looking for transformation and willing to do the work this is the program to be in.  It will change your life and you're not alone!