*Please note if you donate through CanadaHelps, there is a 3.5% service fee. Your tax receipt can be printed directly from your account on their website.*
INTERAC E-TRANSFER (preferred method of giving)
We are able to accept Interac E-Transfer for giving, using donation@peacetowerchurch.ca through your bank. Service charges may apply from your bank. Your donation is automatically deposited, you do not need to set up a security question/answer. Donations will be receipted for year end tax receipt.
Church Mailbox
You can also drop off your tithes in the PTC mailbox at the Bronson St. South door.
You can give your tithes and offerings through CanadaHelps using the form below, using either Credit Card or Debit. *Please note if you donate through CanadaHelps, your tax receipt can be printed directly from your account on their website.
If Peace Tower is your home church, we can provide you with a set of numbered tithing envelopes to make your giving on Sundays easier. Contact us at the office to get yours.
Please contact us if you would like your tax receipt emailed to you electronically or mailed to your home.
*Please contact us if you have had a change in address in the past year.