Mentoring is biblical. Through an in-depth study of Titus 2 using Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel Together, it’s abundantly clear that God’s beautiful plan for His church is to pass the baton of faith to encourage, build up and stand with the upcoming generations. The ultimate goal is to grow to be more like Jesus through intentional mentoring relationships.

Establishing a culture of intentional intergenerational mentoring relationships will facilitate godly connections within the context of community at Peace Tower Church. Our desire is to ensure people have trusted individuals with whom they can relate and share in a non-judgmental environment and where they can receive prayer and encouragement. 

Sadly in our busy society with our demanding schedules, people come to church for connection with God and others but sometimes aren’t able to easily interact with others; they all too often give up, and leave the church feeling disappointed, frustrated and/or isolated. Our prayer is that this ministry will strategically prevent people from leaving with disappointment and in fact will enable healthy growth in their discipleship journey of becoming more like Jesus through authentic one-on-one life to life mentoring relationships. 

As a mentor, you get the opportunity to impact a life. As a mentee, you get to learn, grow, and be impacted by someone who wants to intentionally invest in your life. No doubt there will be growth for both the mentor and mentee in these relationships!



Intergenerational Women's Bible Study

March 25 - June 24, 2025

Sign up!


Saturday, May 31, 2025

End of Season Celebration: Look what the LORD has done!

• Pot-blessing (Pitch-in with your favourite dish)

• Testimonies

• Teaching

• JOY & celebration! 

IGM Promo Video


When you enroll and commit to a season of Intergenerational Mentoring at PTC, we will provide you with some of the resources from MORE Mentoring. 

MORE Mentoring exists to equip the church to create a mentoring culture that bridges socio-economic, cultural and generational differences using a mentoring approach that is relationship-driven, Spirit-led, Jesus-centered, scripture-based, and prayer-focused. PTC will be leveraging their tools and training to support and equip us to experience MORE of Jesus, MORE fullness of life and MORE freedom & joy.

COME together. BE filled. MOVE towards…

MORE of Jesus. MORE fullness of life. MORE freedom & joy.

To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:19-21


  • Discipleship mentoring is when one person with a bit more experience on the journey of faith with Jesus intentionally commits to consistently coming alongside another to love, listen, encourage and pray together to foster spiritual growth. Mentoring relationships have a start and end date. Some relationships will develop a deeper connection where the mentor becomes a spiritual mother or father but this is not the norm or expectation nor should this ever be imposed. It is recommended to start a new mentoring relationship with another mentor/mentee when the next season begins.

  • These relationships are not meant to provide advice or counsel for people dealing with more complex issues such as depression, suicide, or other mental health concerns or circumstances of abuse or victimization. If you are affected by any of these issues, we recommend you reach out to a professional Christian counselor or to speak to a Pastor to find the best path forward.

  • At the present time, this ministry is only open to women who are young adults and older. Our intention is to expand this ministry to include younger generations but for the first phase, we have set the parameter of ages 19 and up. If you’re a man and are interested in participating in intergenerational mentoring in the future, please feel free to submit your application and we will keep it on file and prayerfully consider expanding to include both men and women. We are currently starting small and building in this season.

  • You can get involved in our intergenerational mentoring ministry by completing your application to be a mentor or to be mentored (mentee). Your application will be assessed and then a member of the mentoring mobilizing team will get in touch with you about your application status, training opportunities and possibly matching you with your mentor/mentee. Before completing the application, ensure you read and agree with the requirements and criteria.

  • We encourage a commitment of a minimum of six months up to 9 months semester for 90-minutes to two hours every two to three weeks. Time commitments shorter than six months doesn’t give adequate time for the relationship to establish and to bear fruit. The word “together” can be broken down to mean “to – get – her” and we need to be patient as we take time to get to know the other person (Mentoring Made Real by Nancy Lindgren). If the relationship is really not working out, you are welcome to reach out to the mobilizing team lead to find solutions or in exceptional circumstances, help you with finding a new mentor/mentee match.

  • The cost is $35 per season (6 - 9 month commitment) for the related materials and training to equip those called to intergenerational mentoring. This also shows your ownership and investment into the ministry. Please note that the cost can be subsidized through sponsorships. If the cost is an obstacle, please prayerfully consider what you can afford, and feel free to reach out to or the mobilizing team lead for assistance. For those who would like to sponsor, please designate your offering to Intergenerational Mentoring (women’s ministry). More info on donating here

Apply to Find a Mentor

(Mentee application)

  1. Read the Mentee Role description and if you agree,

  2. Complete the application

  3. A member of the Mobilizer team will contact you to help you find a mentor and answer your questions.

Find a Mentor

Apply to Be a Mentor

(Mentor application)

  1. Read the Mentor Role description and if you agree/meet the requirements,

  2. Complete the application

  3. A member of the Mobilizer team will contact you to review your application by asking a few questions and to discuss next steps.

Become a Mentor


Mentoring Team Lead

Ps. Ginger Ntagabo

Mentor Recruiter & Trainer

Ps. Ginger

Chelsea F.

Administrative Assistant

Amanda S.

Hospitality & Mentor Appreciation Coordinators

Renae A.

Myrlande G.

Publicity & Communications Coordinator

Rachel C.

Prayer Coordinator

Barbara B.